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 Clint and Sharon

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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Clint and Sharon Empty
PostSubject: Clint and Sharon   Clint and Sharon EmptySun May 20, 2012 2:47 am

Clint and Sharon ClintandSharon1

Alasiel: Keep in mind that this is my very first manip that I have ever done. Kyla (Pyro) helped me do it a few days ago so I'm still fairly knew to the process and am slowly improving. I hope you like this one! This one is with Sharon as a brunette (I loved Blake's brunette hair in Green Lantern)
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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Clint and Sharon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clint and Sharon   Clint and Sharon EmptySat May 26, 2012 6:20 pm

By: Pyro
Clint and Sharon ClintandSharonManipww

"He's holding up as well as can be expected…the woman he loves is still unconscious after being tortured," Clint responded, glancing at Sharon as he said 'woman he loves'.

Sharon caught the glance out of the corner of her eye and blushed a little bit. "She'll pull through—she always does. Besides, when she's conscious, she can just heal herself and everyone can stop worrying so much…we're all fine."

That was a lie—they weren't fine…not a single one of them. Sharon and Andy were only being optimistic because Angel hadn't woken up yet, but they hadn't slept well the night before at all. They couldn't stop thinking about what happened and wondering what to ask Nick and how to find Stryker and they didn't want to talk about it. All they wanted was to have Angel back and right now even that didn't look like it was going to happen any time soon…they were broken.

Anex had done things to them they didn't want to tell anyone about it and it was going to haunt them forever. They were just worried that Angel was going to be the most broken because out of the three of them, her constitution for this kind of thing was the weakest. While Sharon had been tortured before, it wasn't something that you just got over and Andy had been through some pretty traumatic things as well that she just buried deep down. Angel…Angel had lived like a princess compared to the two of them and the three were protective of each other.

"Nothing about what happened is fine," Clint told Sharon.

Sharon shrugged and pulled her hand away—it was good while it lasted. "Drop it…please…"

The tone in her voice was pained and Clint just nodded because it was one more thing that she didn't want to talk about. He could understand that and yet he felt like it was his job to let her know that he was there for her all the time and that she could always lean on him if she wanted or needed to. So, the words came out of his mouth again because he couldn't stop them from coming out when he meant them so sincerely.

"I love you, Sharon…" Clint told her, reaching to turn her to face him. "I am here when you want to talk to me, but I can't force you to tell me anything. You are important to me and I want to help you, but I can't when you keep pushing me away. I meant it, Sharon…I meant every syllable. I…love…you…"

Before Sharon could answer, Clint pulled her in close and planted a kiss to her mouth, kissing her deep and slow, Sharon responding with it because she loved him too. She honestly did. It was just so hard for her to say it, so when Clint poured himself into her, she poured herself into him too before she pulled back and looked him in the eye. She cupped his face and kissed him gently before she took a step back and shrugged her shoulders.

"You deserve better than me…" Sharon told him, heading off to find Andy.
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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Clint and Sharon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clint and Sharon   Clint and Sharon EmptyTue May 29, 2012 6:34 pm

Clint and Sharon ClintandSharon2

Photo done by Alasiel

Sharon let out a breath she had been holding in, “I have a guest room, you can stay in there.”

Clint’s eyebrows rose, “You’re actually letting me inside?”

“My cabin, yes,” Sharon said, giving Clint a pointed look, “Seeing as you won’t let me leave, I might as well just let you stay inside rather than ruin my front lawn.”

“Hey, You’re lawn was already disheveled when I got here, do you not own a mower?” Clint said, “As for leaving, you can leave at any time you want.”

Sharon’s eyebrows furrowed, “But I thought you were staying?”

“Oh I’m staying all right,” Clint said, “I’m staying wherever you are. Like I said, you can leave at any point in time. Just know that I’m going to go wherever you go and I’ll be wherever you are.”

“Wow,” Sharon said with a nod, “You really are a stalker.”

“I prefer the term hawk,” He said with a wink.
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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Clint and Sharon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clint and Sharon   Clint and Sharon EmptyTue May 29, 2012 6:35 pm

Clint and Sharon ClintandSharon3

Photo done by Alasiel

Clint walked up and stood beside Sharon and watched her as her eyes flitted around the room, “What are you thinking?” he asked.

“I was wondering if you ever watched me from up here.” Sharon said bluntly, blushing a bit as she wished she could take it back. She looked over at Clint shyly and noticed that his cheeks tinged with red a little.

“I watched you the most.” He said quietly. Sharon gulped as her mouth went dry; she then walked over and sat on his cot and started to play with her fingers. Clint turned and leaned against the railing and watched her, “I was always curious when you would suddenly smirk or let out a laugh randomly.” He said as he observed her.

Sharon chuckled, “If you knew how my mind worked Barton, you’d understand that I find the most mundane things entertaining.”
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