Damsels not so in Distress
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Damsels not so in Distress

Home to the OCs of hit Avengers fics by PyroQueenOfFire and Alasiel
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 Angel and Sharon

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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Angel and Sharon Empty
PostSubject: Angel and Sharon   Angel and Sharon EmptySat May 26, 2012 6:46 pm

By: Pyro
Angel and Sharon AngelandSharonManipww

Angel and Sharon sat in silence for a little while as they thought things over, both of them taking things into account before Angel opened her mouth to speak. She needed to break the ice here because it was important that she talk it out, smiling a bit at her friend. Sharon's eyes met hers and Sharon grinned too, obviously happy for her and that made Angel's heart feel so much better.

"You think I'm doing the right thing here?" Angel asked her.

Sharon nodded and nudged Angel's shoulder with her own. "I think this is one of the best decisions that you've ever made and I'm incredibly happy for you. You're carving out a future for yourself."

"I'm just going to miss you guys," Angel admitted, Sharon smiling some more.

"We're going to miss you too, but it's not like this is the end," Sharon reminded her.
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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Angel and Sharon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Angel and Sharon   Angel and Sharon EmptySat May 26, 2012 6:48 pm

By: Pyro
Angel and Sharon AngelandSharonManipnessww

"I'm sorry...is my presence offending you?" Angel asked as she lifted the sparkling cider to her lips.

Sharon just stared at her. "I wanted to be alone."

"You're friends with me, Share," Angel reminded her, taking a sip and keeping the intense eye contact. "When something is wrong with you, you're stuck with me."

"I need better friends."

"What you need is a better attitude."
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