Damsels not so in Distress
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Damsels not so in Distress

Home to the OCs of hit Avengers fics by PyroQueenOfFire and Alasiel
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 Thor and Andy

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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Thor and Andy Empty
PostSubject: Thor and Andy   Thor and Andy EmptySat May 26, 2012 6:59 pm

By: Pyro
Thor and Andy ThorandAndyManipww

Andy took a deep breath as Thor stared at her and decided to just keep on walking because she had said what it was that she had wanted to say to him. Perhaps she could have had better tact, but for some reason it was bothering her that he was always dressed in his Asgardian garb. At first she found it attractive, but she honestly wanted him to dress like a normal person...

"My wardrobe offends you?" Thor asked her.

Andy kept walking. "All I said was that you could try to fit in more."

"This is not appealing?"

"Lose the cape, Thor..."
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Pyro and Alasiel
Pyro and Alasiel

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-05-19

Thor and Andy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thor and Andy   Thor and Andy EmptySat May 26, 2012 7:19 pm

By: Pyro
Thor and Andy ThorandAndyManipnessww

'Even without the cape, the outfit is ridiculous.' Andy thought to herself. "So basically you're telling us that the Avengers need to assemble again?"
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